Today we will hike about 22,1 km, temperature is 25 degrees, too warm for this time of the year. Because of the nice weather and bankholiday for Semana Santa a lot of Spanish people decided last minute to join in for a pilgrimage. We notice this right away with the number of pilgrims on the road.

We leave early from Sarria.

This is a popular departure to get your Compostela so lot’s of people join in!

Peregrino baby, how cute!

Today is the 100 day of the year and on this day we pass the 100 km mark!

Blisters and lunch.

“Horreos” or granaries are so significant because of their unique and distinctive appearance and the fact that they harmonise so well within the countryside in which they are built. They range in size from as little as 1 metre to in excess of 10 metres in length.

A farmer opens her doors for all the pilgrims passing by with nibbles and good coffee and a toilet. You can leave a donation for her = donativo.


Not easy the last steps into Portomarin.
We finish off the day with some Galician bagpipes music in Portomarin!

Elvira, dochter van een Belgische moeder en Nederlandse vader, bezocht 65 landen, werkte en woonde in verschillende landen, en spreekt vijf talen. Haar meest bijzondere ervaring was de Camino naar Santiago de Compostela in 2015, een tocht die haar leven veranderde. De reis bood haar mentale rust, verbinding met de natuur, en inzichten in wat écht belangrijk is. Het bracht haar dichter bij de essentie van het leven en gaf haar balans. Met haar kennis en ervaring inspireert ze met Go Camino anderen om deze bijzondere reis te maken.